
[In cleaning off my desk, I found a bunch of random bits of songs.  I think they were written mostly spring/summer of 08.  Playing around with different ideas… maybe I’ll use some of it later…]

This moment…. so small in itself…

You allow me to distract you

Just because I want it…


This is how we pulled down the walls

And you take it as I tease you

Playing with words


She is flying free

Running down the hills barefoot

Like this is her home

She can give it all away

’cause it will always be hers

All this and more


She’s not an exile

She’s on her way home


In a darkened room the music plays

I know my heart is here to stay

Resting in God’s glory as we cry

Overwhelmed by the brokenness of this dying world


I’m afraid I will choke

Because how can I breathe

Around the stench of this blackness


Living like a prodigal

Dying like a criminal

You… you look surprised

You never knew that this is what

Living like a Christian looks like

Giving everything

(It was never mine at all)

Joyful through the agony

For the joy ahead

Dying the lowest death

And I am blessed

If it brings God glory

Emptying myself to be filled with Him


Once I was ashamed of coming to You

With nothing

Now I know I’d have it no other way

I want to stand before You

With empty hands

With nothing in my pockets

With nothing to my name

I want to come naked and broken

Blind and dead 

To tremble with awe

As You lay Your hands on my head

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